Thursday, May 15, 2014


So I have a confession....

 I have never dieted before in my life. Now let me stop there for a moment and say this. If you are into thin/skinny shaming stop reading this post. Well stop reading my blog altogether actually. Women of all different shapes and sizes have body issues, no thanks to society. And I have them more than I ever did when I was younger thanks to Crohns.

So my back story on eating habits and my body is I was always petite. I never had to watch what I ate but I also didn't always eat junk nor was I a health nut.  Growing up I was fed decently. Dinner almost always consisted of a meat, a starch, and a vegetable, and while we usually had desert, sometimes our desert was a fruit (a concept my oldest doesn't really like lol!). Fast food or pizza was a treat. Kraft macaroni and cheese and chef boyardee were our lunches like most. As a young adult I partook in drinking as any normal young adult and sometimes ate fast food on the go. I wasn't big on candy but ice cream was my kryptonite! Every once in awhile a friend and I would vow to eat salads all week for lunch and attempt working out when we thought we looked a bit bloated from our weekend excursions. It never lasted for very long although we definitely gave it a gallant effort! 

Fast forward a few years to my post baby body from my first daughter. I can honestly say I can't remember ever dieting. Of course this is due mainly because I was sick from Crohns, I just didn't know at first what was wrong with me. Over the next year and a half of my life I progressively got worse. And if you read my earlier blog post you know what happened (If you didn't its that I finally got to the doctors and confirmed my suspicions that I had Crohns). 

Ever since then my weight has fluctuated quite a bit. I would do good for awhile and be my normal weight and then start to get sick again and lose a lot of weight and then get on steroids and gain a bit of weight back past my normal weight. I literally have clothes that range from size 3 up to size 11! Craziness I tell you and I had no experience like that previous to having Crohns. Luckily I never stayed heavier for too long. 

So now fast forward to currently and I am faced with something new. The meds I have been on have allowed me to not have a flare up for awhile, even through my pregnancy. And guess what? I have baby weight to get rid of lol! Wow let me tell you that not only is dieting hard, but it's confusing! I'm not talking the diet fads, but natural versus organic, and GMO's, and if you have Crohns you should try this diet. And you have to take in a certain amount if you're burning calories, etc etc etc. I literally thought my head was going to explode from it all a couple of weeks ago! I tried tracking my foods and exercise but really who has time for that when you have two kids and are helping to run a business? And because of our hectic lives eating on the go sometimes happens more than I care for. I started following a blog that has given me some great tips on meal planning and recipes. Someone told me they didn't own a scale and at first I thought that was crazy. How do you track anything? Turns out it's probably a really good idea. Pay more attention to your body and how your clothes fit instead of some numbers. 

I've resolved to not tracking and watching my weight constantly. And instead of "dieting" I'm eating healthy and making better food choices for not just myself but my family. And working out has become ME time and I try to stay motivated to do it when I plan to, but I don't beat myself up if I can't get it done. I'm back into doing my 5k's and by the end of the year hope to actually run a whole one. I've also taken up hot yoga. I love it! And I've stopped tracking, the app wasn't working properly and I just didn't have the time for it. So far I have lost a good portion of my baby weight and I look and feel skinnier and healthier and that's all that matters, more than some numbers. I really just need to keep up with the meal prepping, not only is it healthier for us but will really help with our busy lives. 

If you have any tips or advice please feel free to comment! Till next time....

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